Chapters Indigo Canada: Save 5%-20% Mystery Savings Coupon Email (Jan 25-27)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
If you are on Chapters Indigo's mailing list, check your inbox today to see if you got a special email exclusive coupon. Your unique code will save you anywhere from 5% to 20% off on select products from their online toy or gift shops. This coupon is valid January 25-27, 2011. If anyone wants my code just comment below, I won't be using it, I have blanked it out because it is one time per use.


  1. If you still have it to give it away, I would totally use it! Thanks!

  2. I will take your code if you are not using it!!

    Thanks for the great website.

  3. @Monica - will email you right now!

    @Karley - sorry Monica beat you by 6 minutes!


Have any questions or comments? please post them below!