Quiznos Delivery Toasted Doesn't Taste Better

Thursday, February 17, 2011
So tonight I ordered online from Quiznos for the first time, as you can tell they've added a 'new and improved' online ordering site. I was a huge fan and repeat customer to their restaurants so I thought I would give online a try. Turns out there is $4 delivery charge and when I tried placing an order for only one sandwich it cost $12 extra to deliver. I was hungry so $4 didn't sound that bad, $30 later and two hours later... I never got my order! I tried calling their Customer Service line and no answer, guess they were closed, and called several Quiznos stores around me and they told me they couldn't help. I ordered at 8:33pm and by 10pm, I had given up and called Pizza Pizza, got my order in 30 minutes.

I often post Quiznos deals on here, but definitely DO NOT recommend their online ordering system. Another thing, when I logged back into my account to check if there was a status update or anything, it pulled up another person's profile, one in Manitoba! I then tried another browser and it was my profile again, something is definitely up with their system. And the lack of customer service, regardless of what time it was really disappoints me too.

1 comment :

  1. I didn't know they did delivery, but that is really awful. Did you end up getting your order?


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