Dentyne Canada: Lost Freebie Made Right

Sunday, March 13, 2011
I blogged a little while ago about the free gum samples that Dentyne Canada was giving away on Facebook, click here for that post.  I received my envelope about a week ago, but it was empty! I wrote on their Facebook wall about how someone had tampered with my envelope and it was empty, no gum for me! Well they responded on there saying to look in the mail in a few days. Then a few days ago I get another envelope and two free packs of gum, plus a cute little note!

I just wanted to share that with you guys, I thought it was thoughful of Dentyne to sent me another one and make it right. I was totally not expecting it.


  1. mine came in a big plastic canada post envelope with the original envelope ripped open and the gun smashed into little pieces....
    my guess.. someone stepped on it

  2. Three cheers for Dentyne! It's amazing because not many companies would bother. Enjoy your gum


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