Air Miles Canada: Complete Heart and Stroke Survey, Earn 10 Air Miles Reward Miles

Friday, August 26, 2011
Complete a survey for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and earn 10 Air Miles Reward Miles! The survey asks questions about your personal health and diet and suggests ways you can better your lifestyle and heart. If any questions are too personal, you can opt not to respond to certain questions. At the end a screen appears (like the one above) where you enter your Air Miles collector number and within 6 weeks the Air Miles will be deposited into your account. You also have the option to donate your reward miles to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Also when you subscribe to My Health ESupport you can earn an additional 10 Air Miles reward miles. The link appears at the end of the survey in the top right, a confirmation email is sent as well. I should also mentioned that both offers are for a limited time, they are looking for a certain number of respondents.

Click here to complete the survey.

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