Chickadvisor: Crest 3D White Whitestrips 2-Hour Express Product Review Club Offer

Monday, August 15, 2011
Chickadvisor is looking for 200 Canadian members to participate in a new Product Review Club review for Crest 3D Whitestrips 2-hour Express. If you're interested in participating in this offer, you must first be a member of their Product Review Club (it only takes a moment to sign up and it's free) and complete a short survey to be entered.

I am a big fan of Chickadvisor and I am hapy that they are bringing out Product Review Offers again, I haven't noticed one in a long time. Make sure you get your submission in quickly, this offer ends August 28. If you are chosen you will be noticed by email. Good luck everyone.

Click here to enter for your chance to review this product.

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