Shoedazzle: New Personalized Shoe Shopping Site Headed By Kim Kardashian

Friday, October 21, 2011
Calling all shoe-aholics! Shoedazzle is a subscription based personalized shoe shopping site headed up by Kim Kardashian. The site offers you shoe selections on a monthly basis placed into your own personalized “showroom”. Celebrity stylists determine your shoe selections based on an online survey you take at the beginning of your membership. Then, you pick and choose what shoes most appeal to you. Each month you'll receive a choice of shoes for $39.95 each (shipping is $9.99 to Canada). The site also offers handbags, jewellery, and accessories to choose from.

If you don't like the selection you are given, just push a button to “request alternate styles” and different selections will be delivered to your showroom in a couple of days. Or press the “skip this month” button by the 5th day of that month. You are not obligated to purchase each month. I think this is a great way to get some great shoes, and I love the idea of choice and showrooms suited for your style!

Click here to join Shoedazzle.


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