Freebies In The Mail: P&G Costco Brandsampler, Kettle Chips Free Coupon, Mcdonalds McCafe Coupons

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Another freebies in the mail post! Here is what we got today:

Costco Brandsampler - Mr.Clean Magic Eraser, Head and Shoulders, Cascade ActionPacs, Scope Outlast Mouthwash, Gillette Proglide razor
Kettle Chips Free Product Coupon
• Mcdonald's McCafe coupons includes Free Small Hot Mccafe, Buy 1 Get 1 x3 and others

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  1. i STILL havent received my original brandsampler yet :(
    I would have signed up for the costco one too but i dont have a membership lol

  2. Yep I got my regular brandsampler last week still waiting for the Costco one... Hopefully soon. I also got the Mccafe coupons plus dug some out of the recycling bin from ppl who didn't want free coffee :)


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