Free Loaf of Pom De Menage Country White Bread (Quebec Only)

Friday, September 28, 2012
Attention those in Quebec! You can now get a FREE Coupon for a loaf of Pom De Menage Country White Bread. This coupon is limited. Only $1 off now (Update Sept 30)

For those in Ontario, we posted this free coupon last night here from Dempster's.

Click here to get your free coupon.


  1. This is false advertizing. The coupon is for 1$ off NOT for a free loaf of bread.

    1. It was a free bread coupons when it was posted on September 28. Please always read all the information that I post, many deals are while quantities last. I also left you a message on my Facebook Page, we often repost links there to ensure that all our readers do not mix out on deals like this, but they are time sensitive.


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