Free Finish Quantum Sample From Mom Central Canada

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Mom Central Testing Panels is offering Free Samples of Finish Quantum!

Take a quick survey below to get your free sample. You will need to register with Mom Central Canada if you aren't already to qualify. Sign up is open until January 25, 2013 so do not delay! Edit: Deadline Extended to January 28.

Please note, we tried to enter this giveaway with every browser possible: Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox and got an internal error with every option. Hopefully they get this fixed before the cut-off date.  IF you go through the Facebook option login it does work, just make sure you go look at the opportunities to sign up for the Finish Quantum one! All fixed now!

Click here to request yours.


  1. it's still giving me an unexpected error, just like yesterday...i give up

    1. Did you try going through Facebook? I've tested it out with various browsers and it works now for me. Hope you get it figured out.


Have any questions or comments? please post them below!