Free Peanut Butter Cheerios Coupon Update #2 From General Mills

Friday, March 22, 2013
General Mills has contacted those who weren't able to request their coupon with the following, including instructions on how to ensure you are subscribed to for when the next coupon goes live! We will keep you posted once the coupon becomes available again too! Stay tuned.
"For all of you who ordered the Buy 1, Get 1 Free Peanut Butter Cheerios coupon, General Mills will be providing a replacement.  The new coupon will be redeemable for a box of Chocolate, Apple Cinnamon, Banana Nut or Peanut Butter Cheerios, through May 15, 2013. 
To receive the new offer, you must sign up to the e-mail list by Tuesday, March 26 at Noon (12:00 pm), Eastern Standard Time.
Signing up is easy.  Log in to and click MODIFY MY PROFILE.  Scroll to the bottom of the profile screen and check the box where it says:  “Yes! I want to be among the first notified when new coupons become available on”.  Click Save to complete the process.
If the check box does not appear, it’s because you’re already on Websaver’s mailing list.

Thank you for your participating.
Sincerely, Denise Nelson Consumer Services Manager."
Click here for Websaver.

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