NYC New York Color Free Applelicious Glossy Lip Balms Giveaway

Saturday, July 20, 2013
New York Color (NYC) is giving away Free Applelicious Glossy Lip Balms everyday on their Facebook Page! To enter just "like" their Facebook page below. Contest runs July 18-August 21, 2013.

The giveaway will go live everyday at random times until August 21, 2013. There will be 100 freebies available each day, and they go quickly. There are 10 of each shade available.

If you miss out today, check back tomorrow. One freebie per email address. Please head over to our Facebook Page for updates on when they go live!

Update: If you miss out and get the all out message, do go back a few minutes later, I was able to win today when they had a second round. I don't guarantee this happens everyday but readers have reported it too.

Click here for more details.

1 comment :

  1. I have been trying to win a # 356 NYC appleicious lip balm fro day one with no luck.Today maybe????


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