Important Update Pepperidge Farms Free Product Coupon

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Imporant Update Pepperidge Farms Free Product Coupon
Did you order a Free Pepperidge Farms coupon from recently? Check your emails for an important update from (image of email that we received below).

I got my coupons in the mail yesterday and the coupon has two expiry dates, one at the bottom like it usually does (in red font) and then another one in the fine print (See image below for example). This makes the coupon difficult to understand and makes it void.

You can obtain a new coupon via the special link in your email from, they will send you a replacement coupon to use. But hurry you have until January 16 to request it!

Update Friday January 23 - I got my replacement coupon in the mail today, please note this expires January 26 so you only have a few days to redeem it!

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