Hidden Save.ca Free Playtex Sport Pads & Liners Coupon

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Hidden Save.ca Free Playtex Sport Pads & Liners Coupon
Woot! We spotted a hot new coupon for a FREE box of Playtex Sport Pads or Liners!

This is a mail coupon coming from a hidden Save.ca portal. Please note it will take you a bit of digging to locate. Offer is valid while supplies last!

To get yours:
1. Go to the link below, the coupon is found through an advertisement on the Walmart website.
2. Scroll down a bit until you see the ad (it was about halfway down on the right for me) that looks like the image below.

3. Click on the ad, it will take you to the Save.ca hidden portal to request the coupon.
4. If you aren't seeing it, refresh the website, or search Playtex and it should come up. It took me a few attempts to locate it.
5. Make sure you have Ad Blocker turned off (if you use it) as you will need to see ads to locate this.

Click here to get the coupon.

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